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About coffee

Is coffee healthy?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages. 2.25 billion cups of coffee are sold worldwide every day. Because of the big so many sold out, it makes sense to thoroughly study its effects on health. Some believe that coffee is not very healthy and it is responsible for the development of certain diseases. However, recent research shows that coffee is not considered bad. The effect of coffee on our body also depends on how we consume it, for example with how much sugar and syrup, and what quality ingredients we make from it.

What is the real problem, coffee or sugar?

As we mentioned at the beginning, our article and research is strictly about coffee. Sugar is not a necessary component of coffee, and research could be difficult to compare with different amounts of sugar. Let us not forget that, according to the state of science today, the greatest enemies of our civilization are refined flour and sugar. Of course, we can put sugar and honey in our coffee, because new flavors will unfold, but let's be moderate.

The best to buy coffee beans so we can see the quality of our ingredients. Unfortunately, the exact composition of ground coffees and instant coffees, the quality of the coffee is difficult to trace (we don’t see what grains it was ground from). In many cases, instant coffees already contains more sugar.


A kávé és az egészség

Is it true that coffee has a good effect on memory?

Caffeine in coffee is a psychoactive compound that stimulates our bodies. After absorption, it enters the brain through the bloodstream, where it increases the amount of certain neurotransmitters through a multi-step mechanism. This makes it easier for nerve cells to stimulate, and more simply, we will be more excited about it. Several clinical studies have shown that caffeine stimulates certain brain activities and has improver affects to the short term memory. Regarding the consumption of 100g of coffee, Austrian researchers showed that the participants in the experiment performed better in the memory-consuming tasks compared to the participants in the control group that did not consume coffee. However, it is not yet clear how long the stimulus effect on memory lasts, - or in which person.

The nutritional value and antioxidant content of coffee

Coffee (without milk, cream) is approx. contains 2-5 calories of energy. Adding sugar increases this value by leaps and bounds, so it is worth sugaring your coffee in moderation. In the United States, coffee is the primary source of antioxidants, according to researchers at the University of Scranton, which contains nearly 1,300 types of antioxidants. The head of the research says that “Americans gets more antioxidants from coffee than from other food sources”. According to the authors of the study, the beneficial effect occurs with one or two cups of coffee  per day,

Decaffeinated coffee of the right quality also contains almost the same amount of antioxidants as caffeinated coffee.

How does coffee affects the heart?

A Dutch study, which monitored the coffee consumption habits of 37,000 people for 13 years, found that moderate (2-4 cups) coffee consumption reduced heart problems by about 20% compared to people who consumed less or more coffee. . Coffee made from robusta has a higher caffeine content and makes the heart beat better. If you are more sensitive, drink low-caffeine high-grade arabica coffee, which is much softer in taste.

How does coffee affects our liver?

Certain common diseases, such as infectious hepatitis, or fatty liver, primarily affect the liver. Several of these diseases can lead to shrinkage of the liver, which means that connective tissue begins to form in place of the liver’s own tissue. This process is detrimental because it reduces the amount of tissue that performs liver function and is replaced by a tissue that is unable to perform liver function at all.

Studies have shown that people who consume more than four cups of coffee a day can have a 80% reduction in their chances of shrinking their liver.

Coffee significantly increases physical performance.

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system and sends signals to fat cells to start breaking down body fat. In addition, caffeine increases the level of adrenaline, which is responsible for creating a “fight or flight” reaction that helps our body prepare for intense physical exertion. Caffeine puts fat from fat cells into the bloodstream, providing the right amount of nutrients for the body.

Relationships between coffee and type II diabetes.

Type II diabetes is a major health problem that affects approx. it affects 300 million people worldwide. The disease is usually explained in two ways: insulin resistance causes the blood sugar level to rise, or the body is unable to produce enough insulin.

Through until now unknown mechanism, coffee drinkers are demonstrably less likely to develop type II diabetes. According to 18 studies in which 457,992 individuals were studied, every day coffee consumed reduced the likelihood of developing type II diabetes.

How much and what kind of coffee is safe to drink?

According to nutritionists, 1-2 cups of coffee is the amount that does not yet have negative effects on the body, but its positive effects are already perceptible to most people.

However, it does not matter what kind of coffee one consumes.

Medium-roasted coffee is the quality of coffee that has been “fine-tuned” to retain as much flavor as possible for the consumer. It is also richer in nutritional value than an over-roasted coffee, which typically has a bitter taste, as the heat-sensitive nutrients in coffee beans are less exposed to harmful heat.

High-rise arabica coffees have a huge advantage, lower caffeine content than robusta. Thus, even those who are more sensitive to caffeine content can drink it.

If possible, take freshly roasted coffee so that the quality of the raw material can be better controlled. Instant coffees often contain many other ingredients, such as a lot of sugar.

[Forrás: - A cikket összelállította: Kovács Botond és Varga Bori]

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